Pisces New Moon- Of Love and Longing

by | Feb 17, 2023

Deep is the well

An open mouth

Longing for the Beloved

Don’t resent the depths

Plunge into them

Make your heart

An open vessel

For the beloved to fill

Remember the essence of a moment that was filled

And brought the knowing of a thing

Seemingly fleeting but containing


Let not the vessel be empty

Nor the fire uncontained

For a fire without holding


And a vessel without longing 

Remains barren

Go bravely into that dark dawn

For it is the very potential of fire

And only your longing for fulfillment

Can your very meaning burn

Open not your depths in lack

Instead, bloom like the flower

Poised for pollination

Heedless exudation 

Of the perfume

Of life itself

And in your blossoming

Give not to surrender

But anticipation

Of life again

And again

A gain

– A Response to Hafiz by Zoey Wind

Saturday/Sunday February 20th 11:06pmPT/2:06amET

Give yourself praise, for taking the risk of loving again, dreaming again, striving against all odds towards what you know to be your destiny, even when others doubted you.  Honor the courage of your heart, your Promethean spirit that never burned out.  Even when others wanted to take it from you, or squash it down.  Be proud of yourself.  In all your longing that you transformed to receiving.  For daring to believe in your worthiness in a world that wanted to profit from your fear and capitalize it into lack.

This new moon is full of messages.  It is deep with knowing of the things that seem unknowable.  It inflames our passion and our resilience in the deep waters of the unknown.  It is, as always, a pure reflection of where we find ourselves today collectively- in a mass initiation of how to find the light in the darkness, make order from chaos, draw passion from despair.  

Piscean dichotomy is the brilliance of the Promethean spirit, that refuses to let the melancholia destroy and instead makes bouquets from bones and flowers from dust. Poetry from tears, paint from anguish.  Mixing the colors of the truths we found in our very soul from feeling what was there when we lost something truly dear.

It is without doubt the impermanence of this life and all that is in it, that makes it dear.  It is truth, without doubt, that we cannot understand the true meaning of a thing until it is lost.  And so, is this why the Divine has placed us here (or we placed ourselves), to experience the separation of source- so that we may truly understand it?

What if our greatest defeats were our dearest treasures?  What if we saw chaos as the ripest potential for some new, unprecedented birth?  One cannot find faith when we have everything we think we want.  And funny how so many who have accomplished securing “everything” material they might want, only find more clearly the hole inside them that only the beloved can fill?  I am one to avoid longing and despair as much as any other, only to find that I couldn’t fill it until I looked into it and illuminated its chalice to discover it was shaped like love.  We may find that we avoid filling the crevices of our pain for fear that they will be lit up, and become so glaringly visible we must cease our denial any longer.  The denial of our very humanness.  Yet is it not our humanness that makes us so damn lovable?

Themes of avoidance, where we seek to escape, deny, check out or run away, will come alive in a Pisces new moon.  Jupiter, guardian of the watery depths, is fired up in Aries, the sign of the pioneer, the newborn promethean spirit that refuses to give up, give in or at times, rest.  Venus sextiles Pluto, plunging us deeper than we may want to go, but somehow it’s more beautiful and fertile than normal.

This is a potent time for healing and transformative experiences.  To literally change one thing into another.  To let die and compost the energy that has become entropied, and plant seeds for a dream higher than you previously dared to dream.  Dream bigger, dream better and release the small mind that held you back before.  Wipe your eyes of the sleep that kept you in a fog and let the brilliance of the Sun that you feared would blind you, heal you.

This is the way of the compassionate warrior.  A dear pisces-Aries brother spoke to me yesterday of the obligation of the masculine principle within us to stand up for what is right.  To be willing to use our power to protect the sacred, innocent and pure in this world.  And to do so singularly, from the driving vital force of compassion, and nothing more, nothing less.

Venusian bliss is reborn into her vital force as she enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the same day as the New Moon.  She, reborn as Athena, birthed  from her father’s head, fully clad in armor, battle axe in hand, amazon cry upon her lips, represents the purity of the primal life force, open and ready to receive all that she desires.  Let the confounding spaces inform you of the preciousness of action.  Of the sacred creative force that lives within you, and never dies, even when the heart stops. 


Mercury, in his Aquarian clouds, trines Mars in Gemini, giving wings to feet that once felt like stone.  The two of them are forming the flanks of a kite whose point is led by the coming Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Aries.  Only the tail end in Libra is un-activated by a planet, but we can fill in the story in the Piscean dreamtime, where anything is possible.  These are the final days of considering ourselves unworthy.  Of buying into the stories of inadequacy, repudiation and lies that have told us we are some kind of broken, unwanted and unworthy thing.

Burn them like Kali if you must, but make flowers from the dust and show the darkness what you really think, what you truly know.  Don’t be afraid to be bold, brazen, courageous and confident.  This has been shamed long enough.  And we can know that to be a thing in balance means we must marry its opposite, in this case the compassion, diplomacy, beauty and harmony, in the sign of Libra, must be our anchor point.

Go bravely into that dark dawn.  Trust the turning of the great sphere of Gaia, the ovary and the seed.  For the mother does not have to tell the womb to grow the child.  Life happens of its own prima materia surging ever onward towards new life, again and again.  Trust the great spirit within you that never surrenders, but knows how to release. Trust the longing, but don’t ignore it, for it is your very soul guiding you towards your destiny.  And rest in the silent spaces of contentment as long as you need, without complacency.

Blessings and Spirit,

Zoey Wind

Planetary Positions

Sun 28° Taurus 09' 22"
Moon 02° Libra 16' 55"
Mercury 03° Taurus 47' 48"
Venus 23° Taurus 34' 14"
Mars 13° Aries 46' 22"
Jupiter 28° Taurus 16' 11"
Saturn 17° Pisces 59' 37"
Uranus 23° Taurus 24' 28"
Neptune 29° Pisces 23' 57"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 02' 44" R
Chiron 21° Aries 38' 21"
TrueNode 14° Aries 56' 04"

About Zoey

Zoey Wind is an Astrologer, Ceremonialist and Quantum Coach.  She has lead celestial ceremonies, taught classes and supported others in their spiritual transformation through the art and wisdom of the Heavens for 7 years.