Leo Full Moon- Of Hearts and Hidden Things

by | Feb 3, 2023

Full Moon at 17′ Leo Sunday, February 5th 2023 at 11:29amMT/ 1:29pmET

The heart holds secrets from the mind

She, strong and tender carries

What mind cannot yet fathom

Wisdom known true

Only found in feeling

Do not rip her open

In search of her vast secrets

She will bleed out

Do not build iron walls

To protect her

She will shrivel in the darkness

Simply hold her

Lofty in your hand

Like the head of a precious newborn

Each moment, hour and year

Do not force the blossom open

Nor underestimate her strength

Or tenderness

Welcome and caress her

She blossoms

Drink in her thick fragrance

She opens more

Encourage her growth

With fertile soil

And she will courageously reveal 

The very secret

Of existence for you

The greatest distance you will ever go

Is from the beating of your heart

To the knowing mind

And the greatest gift you’ll ever know

is just to love

and be loved, in return

Sunday’s full moon in Leo highlights the wounds of the heart, our lovability, our desire to be loved and seen for exactly who we are.  To be loved for our roar and our purr.  Embraced and set free.  Connected and sovereign.  The trick is, we cannot resonate a frequency we have not activated in ourselves.  We cannot have compassion for something in another that we still judge ourselves for cruelly.  And we often cannot recognize a thing we have yet to see. This moon will likely make a lot of things more visible.

This week may bring up all the feels around our lovablity, especially where they have been masked with ego or pride.  This is only human. With Uranus in a T-square to the Sun and Moon, there is a new level of ego dissolution happening to help liberate us from the false prisons we keep ourselves in.  This moon wants us to shine all of our imperfection, vulnerability and failures that inspired us to do better, fear that made us hurt others, weirdness that we hid because we thought we would be rejected by the tribe for doing so.  We are supported in having breakthroughs.

Something new is wanting to be born in the heart that beats with love, unconditional.  Black Moon Lilith is square the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio.  Our deepest fears and shadows have been highlighted all year in relationships within and without through the eclipses in the Taurus-Scorpio axis.  Take all of it into account.  All of you.  The fear, the rage, the hurt and the pain.  

Liberation lies in healing through gentle reflection, connecting dots, tracing lines of the emotional body back to source, forgiving ourselves for being only human. To learn to see the self from the “not-self.” The Not-self are the parts of us that someone told us we were (or showed us), but that did not naturally emerge from us. Yet sometimes we believe we are what others say, and block the flow of true expression and self-creation.

The full moon squares Uranus and Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus soon to follow.  Allow the flow of compassion for the parts of yourselves and others, once hidden, revealing now.  Where can we let the ugly parts not define us, but make us so utterly, humanly beautiful?  Where can we see the oneness we are all swimming in as a great field of the collective subconscious, seeking to be made conscious?  

Carl Jung said that knowing our psyche is the most precious thing we have in this life.  It is the seeking to kindle light in the darkness of our existence that drives us.  The knowing of our own soul, our true self amidst this Earth-walk is a precious thing indeed.  Whatever arises, seek to transmute hurt into gratitude for what it is teaching you about yourself, and you will find gold beyond your greatest dreams.

Leo shadow can be of desiring everyone to feel happy so much that we end up putting on a performance of who we are to please others, only to abandon some aspect of our authentic selves.  This comes from a place of caring and wanting others to feel good, joyful and entertained.  But it leaves us feeling loved for only part of ourselves, and not our whole selves.  Leo’s greatest strength is living from the heart, courageous and inspiring. To be so beautifully vulnerable we bow in humble gratitude tioknow a thing so true. Where can you be more courageous of heart today?

Venus in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini the day before the full moon.  Where have our heads and our hearts become strangers to one another?   Physical touch, eye gazing, breathing together, listening to music and massage are a few ways to co-regulate with someone when things feel unsafe.  The North Node in Taurus is healing the wounds of a systematically divided and disembodied society, distanced by technology and trauma. If you need to regulate solo, engage somatic practices like dance, baths, stretching or self-massage.

The physical body, the nervous system, the spine, the blood, the heart, the tone of our voices are as much full of information as anything else.  What someone is saying or going through is never about the other person. Even if you or they are failing to express in that way.  When you notice yourself dysregulated, how can you ask for one of the above co-regulation practices?  Can we become more open to the physical connection of our humanness with conscious consent in this time of budding AI intelligence?

AI will never be able to provide you a human soul embodied in flesh or a beating heart.  I mean, maybe perhaps in the future, but I would imagine we will cease to call it artificial at that time.  Just the same as a child was made by a human, it is not artificial, or is it?

What we have to offer one another as humans is more than any piece of knowledge, fact, skill, certificate or money can provide.  It is something so deeply human that words still fail.  It’s knowing is only through the body.  The heart hears what the mind never can.  It is the mind that seeks to translate, yet, there is much lost in translation that can never be fully conveyed unless you enter the collective consciousness of thousands of years of that language’s development.

The language of the human heart and body lives inside you.  Potential millennia of human evolutionary knowledge are contained in our DNA.  It is actually all inside.  The comet passing by Earth this weekend hasn’t been visible from earth since prehistoric times.  There is an ancient awakening of the prehistoric human coming back online, hopefully highly upgraded after a deep traverse through space.

The prehistoric human was said to see themselves as one with all of Nature.  Not understanding the world around them as separate from themselves.  In this space, all of the subconscious is conscious.  Nothing is hidden, all just is.  Venus in Pisces resonates with this experience, and she is gracing us now with the calm and compassion to meet our hidden selves.  The parts of our unraveling that reveal the fertile void of infinite potential to create ourselves anew!

Give praise and thanks for the great heavens giving us guidance on how to navigate ourselves, the world and finding truth within us.  Our truth is always love.  Our fears are always a fear of not getting love.  Our shadows are a misguided attempt at getting that love.  Love yourself as an infinitely loving being.  Allow all parts of you with loving  acceptance and the impetus for transformation will be effortless and natural as you are human.

Blessings and Beating Hearts,

Zoey Wind 

Planetary Positions

Sun 28° Taurus 12' 22"
Moon 02° Libra 53' 50"
Mercury 03° Taurus 52' 03"
Venus 23° Taurus 38' 04"
Mars 13° Aries 48' 44"
Jupiter 28° Taurus 16' 55"
Saturn 17° Pisces 59' 49"
Uranus 23° Taurus 24' 39"
Neptune 29° Pisces 24' 02"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 02' 43" R
Chiron 21° Aries 38' 30"
TrueNode 14° Aries 56' 08"

About Zoey

Zoey Wind is an Astrologer, Ceremonialist and Quantum Coach.  She has lead celestial ceremonies, taught classes and supported others in their spiritual transformation through the art and wisdom of the Heavens for 7 years.