Aquarius New Moon- Anchoring the Future Feminine

by | Jan 20, 2023

Art- Michael C. Hayes- Gaia

New Moon occurs at 2’ Aquarius- January 21st, 2023 12:53pmPT/3:53pm ET

“The occultists of the ancient world had a most remarkable understanding of the principle of evolution.  They recognized all life as being in various stages of becoming.  They believed that grains of sand were in the process of becoming human in consciousness, but not necessarily in form; that human creatures were in the process of becoming planets; that planets were in the process of becoming solar systems; and that solar systems were in the process of becoming cosmic chains; and so on ad infinitum.  One of the stages between the solar system and the cosmic chain was called the zodiac; therefore they taught that at a certain time a solar system breaks up into a zodiac.  The houses of the zodiac become the thrones for twelve Celestial Hierarchies, or as certain of the ancients state, ten Divine Orders.”

-Manly P. Hall Secret Teachings, pg. 115

This New Moon marks the Chinese new year of the water rabbit, the first new moon of the year and the closest new moon to Earth since 1030!  The next one to be this close will be 345 years from now, in 2368.  This is the closest New Moon of our lifetimes, and as such, it is a super-cleanser of the things we are purging, and super-amplifier of the seeds we plant.  The closest slice of space satellite to cast our dreams into, ready to transmit visions higher than we ever thought possible.  

Get ready for the mission.  The new moon trines Mars, now direct in Gemini, and sextiles Jupiter in Aries.  We get a lift from the inner work we have been doing to reclaim our sovereign state of selfhood.  Aligning to the mission we are here to fulfill in service to the future vision for humanity and fueled by our newly reborn masculine principle that was recently seeded in the new 2.5 year Mars Gemini cycle; birthing new ways of writing our stories and sharing our messages with the world.

Venus joins Saturn in the evening sky after sunset on January 22nd, the day after the new moon.  The heavens are asking that we embody the future feminine.  What does she look like?  Is she adorned with starry crown, gathering celestial waters to pour into the cups around her?  Does she know her power to self-actualize and re-patronize her visions?  Look at who stands beside you now, ready to commit to the work necessary through our resources, energy and faith.  

There is a selfish- selflessness awakening within the hearts of humanity.  A re-calibration of what it looks like to embody our purpose in service to humanity out of the martyrdom of the Age of Pisces and into the human becoming planet, becoming star of the Age of Aquarius.  It requires us to release petty injustices for the greater good.  To rise above hyper-personalized reflections on what is happening around us and to take a higher vision.  To seek the vision in derision.  To honor something greater than our personal feelings.  To reflect on the traumas and pain, yet unhealed, that are informing our present reactions, and seek an elevated stance.  You got this, and you are supported.

The feminine Aquarian takes her space and elevates before acting.  She picks up her task of self-development and holds herself in the highest regard.  She is the only one who gives herself permission to be exactly as she is.  To honor her own unique process of calibration before launch.  Permission to be uniquely you in this new moon.  To embrace the personal articulation of your own heart.  Only you can claim your right to be you.  Don’t wait for someone else to do it, because they never will, nor could they if they tried.

Listen to the judgments of your heart.  Parse out where they are projections of your own pain and where they are wise discernment of the energy you wish to cultivate.  Drop the judgment and remain.  Remain in your center.  Aquarius is the channel of the divine higher mind.  In order to be a clear channel we must purify our vessel in body, heart and mind.  We must seek a higher vision,  We must build a new Earth.  One based not in petty prejudices, but in kinship within the human community.

The future feminine anchoring now is for all genders.  He is the one who guides himself.  Relies on the cultivation of his mind and thoughts as sound and just, to produce his reason.  She self-sources her own truth.  Questions her assumptions.  Speaks with refinement and respect.  Gives herself permission to take space and holds herself accountable to still show up.  He decides his own timing, progress and ambition.  She is humbly confident.  Resolute and resolved.  Open and inviting of her own accord.  Self-affirmed in her being.

This super new moon occurs at the same degree as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December Solstice of 2020.  Think back to where you were at that time.  Similar themes may be emerging now.  For me this was the day my father began his transition to the other side.  I have felt the themes I left behind then in my state of ensuing grief,  re-emerging now in my consciousness for new growth. 

It has been a long and deep ceremony that the grief of his passing sent me into two years ago. I feel myself emerging from it now on the eve of his date of passing.  I know I am not alone in my grieving.  I give myself permission for my process.  I affirm my own way of being that has emerged raw, vulnerable and more real than ever before.  It has shaped me into my future feminine, and she is standing before me like a beacon of hope that I one day, only hoped to reach.  Only today, it is she that looks back at me from the mirror before me.

I could only have imagined I could become this woman I am today, some years ago.  And it was the greatest challenges, losses and pain that I could have imagined that brought her to me.  And I, to her.  May we give thanks for the trials that have shaped us.  The fires that have forged us.  The wind that has moved us.  The Earth that has tested us.  The tears that have cleansed.  The stars that have inspired.  Lest we forget, this life is not for the faint of heart.  

Venus with Saturn in the night sky this weekend reminds us of the strength and integrity we have grown in our hearts.  May we have the most humble gratitude for the friends, elements and ethereals that have loved and nurtured us through it all.  The seeds we plant into this new moon are no small thing. Being the closest new moon to Earth in over a thousand years, our prayers are heard and transmitted by Moon into the Sun with high frequency signal. 

Uranus is stationing direct the day after the New Moon, symbolizing crisis that forms new character from the avatar degree of Taurus.  It is the fertile soil of crisis that builds character.  Character is defined by Oxford as “ the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.”  This New moon is the seed born of the progress in your mental and moral nature built over the past two years.  Let go of who you thought you were pre-2020.  Look at who you have become now, and set your intentions from this new self you find yourself as now.

How is your future feminine ready to receive and embody this New Earth?  What house of the Celestial hierarchy does she spring from at this time?  Take a look at where the last Venus cycle began in the house containing Capricorn in your chart.  One year ago, she began her new journey, today you are asked to review and embody her new face.  Moon meets with Venus and Saturn the day after the moon is made new marking the Sacral chakra activation of Venus’s 18 month cycle of regenerative consciousness.  

If ever there were a time to birth something new from the great beyond, this is it my friends.  What is the council that you keep, within and without?  How are you to embody all the blessings you receive in your humble arch towards planethood?  What is the galaxy that will be born of your own consciousness becoming? To be human is no small thing.  Don’t play small, my planetary kin.  Reveal the diamond of your very consciousness, that it may combust to warm and grow a New Earth, more beautiful than previously conceivable.  It is ready now.  You are ready now.  Go forth, and cast your net into that vast, milky ocean.

Blessed Becoming,

Zoey Wind

Planetary Positions

Sun 28° Taurus 15' 43"
Moon 03° Libra 34' 55"
Mercury 03° Taurus 56' 48"
Venus 23° Taurus 42' 20"
Mars 13° Aries 51' 22"
Jupiter 28° Taurus 17' 44"
Saturn 18° Pisces 00' 03"
Uranus 23° Taurus 24' 51"
Neptune 29° Pisces 24' 06"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 02' 41" R
Chiron 21° Aries 38' 41"
TrueNode 14° Aries 56' 12"

About Zoey

Zoey Wind is an Astrologer, Ceremonialist and Quantum Coach.  She has lead celestial ceremonies, taught classes and supported others in their spiritual transformation through the art and wisdom of the Heavens for 7 years.